Radiocarbon Dating (C-14 Dating) – An absolute dating method that measures the decay of carbon-14 in organic materials to determine age (up to ~50,000 years).
Month: March 2025
Fluorine Dating – A relative dating method that measures the amount of fluorine absorbed by bones from surrounding soil.
Typology – The classification of artifacts into types based on similarities in form, function, and style.
Seriation – A relative dating method based on changes in artifact styles over time.
Stratigraphy (Dating Method) – Dating based on the principle that deeper layers in an archaeological site are older than those above them.
Absolute Dating – Methods that provide a specific date or range of years for an artifact or site.
Relative Dating – Methods used to determine the sequence of events without providing an exact date.
Chronology – The science of arranging events in their order of occurrence in time.
Chapter 27: Dating Methods in Archaeology
Secondary Context – When an artifact has been moved from its original location due to natural or human activities.