Anthropometry – The scientific study of human body measurements for understanding physical variation and health.
Month: February 2025
25. Anthropometry and Body Measurements
Hominin Limb Proportions – Changes in the relative lengths of arms and legs that indicate shifts toward full bipedalism.
Australopithecus afarensis – A key hominin species, including “Lucy,” that displayed both arboreal and bipedal traits.
Ardipithecus ramidus – An early hominin species that shows a mix of arboreal and bipedal adaptations.
Laetoli Footprints – A set of fossilized footprints in Tanzania that provide early evidence of bipedal locomotion.
Postural Feeding Hypothesis – The idea that bipedalism initially evolved for reaching and collecting food in trees.
Provisioning Hypothesis – A theory that bipedalism helped males gather and provide food for their mates and offspring.
Carrying Hypothesis – The theory that bipedalism evolved to allow early humans to carry tools, food, or infants.
Thermoregulatory Hypothesis – The idea that bipedalism helped early hominins regulate body temperature by reducing sun exposure.